Mansfield, Neil J.
Human Response to Vibration
CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL; 2005
Cited Works (34)
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Paddan GS, Griffin MJ. Effect of seating on exposures to whole-body vibration in vehicles.
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Mansfield NJ, Griffin MJ. Effects of posture and vibration magnitude on apparent mass and pelvis rotation during exposure to whole-body vertical vibration.
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Cited By (35)
Choy N, Sim CS, Yoon JK, Kim SH, Park HO, Lee J-H, Yoo CI. A case of Raynaud’s phenomenon of both feet in a rock drill operator with hand-arm vibration syndrome [in Korean].
Korean J Occup Environ Med
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Dong RG, Sinsel EW, Welcome DE, Warren C, Xu XS, McDowell TW, Wu JZ. Review and evaluation of hand–arm coordinate systems for measuring vibration exposure, biodynamic responses, and hand forces.
Saf Health Work
. September 2015;6(3):159-173.
Eger TR, Kociolek AM, Dickey JP. Comparing health risks to load-haul-dump vehicle operators exposed to whole-body vibration using EU Directive 2002/44EC, ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5.
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Paschold HW. Whole-body vibration knowledge gaps in the US. In:
Proceedings of the 3rd American Conference on Human Vibration
. June 1-4, 2010; Iowa City, IA.63-64.
Goggins KA, Oddson BE, Lievers WB, Eger TR. Anatomical locations for capturing magnitude diffferences in foot-transmitted vibration exposure. In:
From Research to Practuce to Prevention (2018 ACE | CROSH)
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Mansfield NJ, MacMull SJ, Singla G, Capstick H, Mackrill J, Rimell AN. Combined effects of long term fatigue and whole-body vibration on discomfort onset for vehicle occupants. In:
4th International Conference on Whole Body Vibration (WBV2009)
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Maeda S, Miyashita K. Validity of VPT (vibrotactile perception threshold) as an indicator of human response to vibration exposure. In:
54th UK Conference on Human Response to Vibration
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Anderson L, Diaz F, Maeda S, Taylor MD. Human machine interactions and the human response to vibration. In:
54th UK Conference on Human Response to Vibration
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D’Amore F, Qiu Y. Next-generation cars, secondary activities, and sitting configurations: in-line transmission of vertical vibration at seat cushion. In:
54th UK Conference on Human Response to Vibration
. September 24-26, 2019; Edinburgh, UK.
Smets MPH, Eger TR, Grenier SG. Whole-body vibration experienced by haulage truck operators in surface mining operations: a comparison of various analysis methods utilized in the prediction of health risks.
Appl Ergon
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Goggins KA, Tarabini M, Lievers WB, Eger TR. Biomechanical response of the human foot when standing in a natural position while exposed to vertical vibration from 10–200 Hz.
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Goggins KA, Tarabini M, Lievers WB, Eger TR. Standing centre of pressure alters the vibration transmissibility response of the foot.
. June 2019;62(9):1202-1213.
Mansfield NJ, Maeda S. The apparent mass of the seated human exposed to single-axis and multi-axis whole-body vibration.
J Biomech
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Oliver M, Hope P, Conrad L, Jack RJ, Dickey JP, Eger T. Reducing whole-body vibration through field vibration tested heavy equipment seat retrofitting.
Occup Ergon
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Goggins K, Godwin A, Lariviere C, Eger T. Study of the biodynamic response of the foot to vibration exposure.
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Clay L, Milosavljevic S, Trask C. Predicting whole body vibration exposure from occupational quad bike use in farmers.
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Goggins KA, Oddson BE, Lievers WB, Eger TR. Anatomical locations for capturing magnitude differences in foot-transmitted vibration exposure, determined using multiple correspondence analysis.
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The Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Exposure as Experienced During the Operation of Surface Haulage Trucks on Proprioception in the Lumbar Spine
[Master's thesis]. Sudbury, ON: Laurentian University; 2006.
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Examination of Vibration Characteristics and Transmissibility Properties of "Anti-Vibration" Mats for Workers Exposed to Vibration Via the Feet
[Master's thesis]. Sudbury, Ontario: Laurentian University; 2011.
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Foot-Transmitted Vibration: Exposure Characteristics and the Biodynamic Response of the Foot
[Master's thesis]. Sudbury, Ontario: Laurentian University; 2013.
Singh P.
Evaluation of Foot-Transmitted Vibration and Transmissibility Characteristics of Mining Boots and Insoles
[Master's thesis]. Sudbury, Ontario: Laurentian University; 2013.
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Personal Protective Equipment as a Control Strategy to Reduce Foot-Transmitted Vibration
[Master's thesis]. Sudbury, ON: Laurentian University; 2016.
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Evaluation of a Vibration Measurement Tool as Part of a Whole-Body Vibration Management Program in Underground Hard-Rock Mining
[Master's thesis]. Sudbury, ON: Laurentian University; 2016.
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Vibration Toolkit: An Occupational Health Education Intervention for the Mining Industry
[PhD thesis]. Sudbury, ON: Laurentian University; 2018.
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Establishing a Protocol for the Measurement of Human Exposure to Foot-Transmitted Vibration
[Master's thesis]. Sudbury, ON: Laurentian University; 2018.
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Measuring and Modelling Human Response to Foot-Transmitted Vibration Exposure
[PhD thesis]. Sudbury, ON: Laurentian University; 2019.
Kanya-Forstner M.
Assessing Whole-Body Vibration Transmissibility in Children’s Bicycle Trailers
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Maugeri S.
Modelling the Response of the Human Feet to Vertical Whole-Body Vibration
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Biodynamic of the Human Spine
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Whole-Body Vibration on Mobile Machines Within the Steel Making Industry: Assisting Industries With Proper Seat Selection to Retrofit Existing Machines
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Effects of Muscle Fatigue on Muscle Latency and Muscle Activation Under Whole-Body Vibration
[Master's thesis]. University of Guelph; December 2018.
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The Influence of the Tensile Material Properties of Single Annulus Fibrosus Lamellae and the Interlamellar Matrix Strength on Disc Herniation and Progression
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Establishing the Effect of Vibration and Postural Constraint Loading on the Progression of Intervertebral Disc Herniation
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Effects of Seated Whole-Body Vibration on Spinal Stability Control
[PhD thesis]. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; 2008.
Dietze B.
Comparison of Whole-Body Vibration Attenuation Properties Between Active and Passive Suspension Seats
[Master's thesis]. University of Western Ontario; 2020.