This paper describes the development of a basic finite element simulation model of a concept for an adaptive structure made with carbon fiber reinforced plastic materials. Thereby in particular the prediction of the mechanical properties of necessary deformation zones in the structure, that are realized with an elastomer matrix system, is challenging due to the different properties of this material compared to conventional composites. Available material models in the FE-Code LS-DYNA are analyzed for their usability in this task. For the parameterization of the material models a number of coupon tests are conducted and the deviations between the material with the elastomer matrix and the material with the conventional duromer matrix system is analyzed. The results of these tests is used to validate the material models for both, the material used in the expansion zone and the conventional composite material in the rest of the structure. It is shown, that the prediction of the shear properties of the elastomer based material creates difficulties with the used material model (MAT_54) but in total the correlation between test and simulation is good and comparable for both materials.
The first task that has to be approved for an adaptive structure made of FRP-materials is the expansion-process from the initial to the pressurized final geometry. For this purpose a quasistatic inflation test is performed. The results of the test and a corresponding simulation correlate well for the pressure at which the expansion of the structure begins. Regarding the maximum burst pressure and the location of the material failure deviations between test and simulation occur. Possible reasons for this deviations are analyzed and discussed.
Finally the additional necessary steps in the creation of a predictive simulation model for an adaptive FRP structure under crash-load and possible approaches for the latter are discussed.