The way was paved for the first ESV Conference in the early 1970s by the development and discussion of what were called Experimental Safety Vehicles. From the outset, Mercedes-Benz played an active role in this initiative. Up until the mid-1970s, over 20 Mercedes-Benz ESFs (for Experimental Sicherheits Fahrzeug) were built and presented. This short period of time also witnessed the development of basic innovations, some of which represent crucial milestones for vehicle safety:
For the ESV Conference in 2009, Daimler is recreating this pioneering paradigm shift and developing a new Experimental Safety Vehicle, the ESF 2009. Based on the very latest safety features, such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Adaptive Restraint Systems, and Integrated Safety Systems (PRE-SAFE®) [1], the ESF 2009 will present and demonstrate solutions for the requirements and safety challenges of the future.
This paper presents the safety features that Mercedes- Benz is focusing on to address vehicle and road safety requirements in the future.
In pursuit of our vision of accident-free driving and high-performance occupant safety, the paper looks at the following subjects and solutions, which could provide further sustainable advances in the field of vehicle safety:
The paper will describe functional models of the different safety features, their potential safety benefits, and feasibility requirements. The main goal of the Mercedes-Benz ESF 2009 is to illustrate mid and long-term safety features and to promote discussion on their relevance for achieving improved traffic safety.