The design and development of the components of EUROSID was presented in the report of the EEVC Ad-Hoc Group to the 10th ESV Conference. Four complete versions of this dummy were assembled from components produced by their developers and standard parts purchased from the United States. These dummies, called the First Prototypes, were subject to over 500 component and whole dummy validation tests by five European laboratories, BASt, INRETS, TNO, TRRL, and APR. The experiences learned from these tests have resulted in slight design modifications which have been incorporated into the next prototype versiotr of EUROSID, the Production Prototype. The conclusions from the validation tests are discussed in this repolt, and the description of the current design, the Production Prototype is given. It is concluded that the development of EUROSID is at a very satisfactory state of development at this point in time and that the final stages of development can commence by the 15 Production Prototypes being evaluated in test houses around the world.