This paper presents illustrative financial and functional consequences reported during two pilot surveys to investigate the feasibility of using personal interviews to collect information of the direct consequences of trauma on individuals. Data on 59 vehicle occupants drawn from the population of Washtenaw County, Michigan in-depth accident investigations are summarized. Measures reported included lost wages, medical costs, impairment, property damage, legal costs, activity restrictions, and loss recovery.
While the results are not definitive, some insight into the increase in costs at higher levels of AIS injury severity can be seen. It is also observed that the time lost due to injury may be an exponential function of OAIS. In contrast to lower-level injuries, subjects with AIS-4 and -5 injuries usually sustained closed-head injuries and had continuing physical impairment. All costs are reported in constant 1975 dollars and are compared with the Department of Transportation Societal Costs of Motor Vehicle Accidents-1975.