In the euroFOT project multiple Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) were tested within a large-scale Field Operational Test (FOT) in Europe. Main objective of the project was the impact as- sessment of different ADAS on safety, traffic effi- ciency, environment, driver behaviour and user- acceptance in real life situations with normal driv- ers. The needed data was gathered by means of instrumented vehicles. Altogether, about 1000 ve- hicles from different manufacturers and with differ- ent advanced driver assistance systems took part in the FOT. The Institute of Automotive Engineering (ika) of the RWTH Aachen University analysed the effects of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) usage in combination with Forward Collision Warning (FCW) under normal driving conditions of 100 passenger cars. The results of the data analysis show positive effects on traffic safety and fuel con- sumption. In terms of traffic safety a reduction in number of incidents, harsh braking and critical time-headways were determined. These reductions can be attributed to changed distance behaviour of the drivers.