2007 |
Delannoy P, Martin T, Meyerson S, Summers L, Wiacek C. PDB barrier face evaluation by DSCR and NHTSA’s joint research program. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 18-21, 2007; Lyon, France. |
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2009 |
Bean JD, Kahane CJ, Mynatt M, Rudd RW, Rush CJ, Wiacek C. Fatalities in Frontal Crashes Despite Seat Belts and Air Bags: Review of All CDS Cases: Model and Calendar Years 2000-2007: 122 Fatalities. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; September 2009. NHTSA Technical Report DOT HS 811 202. |
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2009 |
Meyerson S, Wiacek C, Delannoy P, Robert G. Evaluation of advanced compatibility frontal structures using the progressive deformable barrier (PDB). In: Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 15-18, 2009; Stuttgart, Germany. |
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2009 |
Rudd RW, Bean J, Cuentas C, Kahane CJ, Mynatt M, Wiacek C. A study of the factors affecting fatalities of air bag and belt-restrained occupants in frontal crashes. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 15-18, 2009; Stuttgart, Germany. |
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2011 |
Mynatt M, Bean J, Kahane CJ, Rush C, Traube E, Wiacek C. A study of NMVCCS to identify critical pre-crash factors in fatal crashes. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 13-16, 2011; Washington, DC. |
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2011 |
Wiacek C, Rudd R, Collins LA. Real world analysis of rear seat occupant safety in frontal crashes. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 13-16, 2011; Washington, DC. |
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2015 |
Wiacek C, Nagabhushana V, Rockwell T, Summers S, Zhao L, Collins LA. Evaluation of frontal crash stiffness measures from the U.S. New Car Assessment Program. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 8-11, 2015; Gothenburg, Sweden. |
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2015 |
Wiacek C, Bean J, Sharma D. Real-world analysis of fatal rear-end crashes. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 8-11, 2015; Gothenburg, Sweden. |
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2017 |
Wiacek C, Prasad A, Weston D, Orton NR, Schneider L. Assessing the performance of steering wheel air bags for drivers seated in wheelchairs during frontal crash tests. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 5-8, 2017; Detroit, MI. |
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2017 |
Wiacek C, Fikentscher J, Forkenbrock G, Mynatt M, Smith P. Real-world analysis of fatal run-out-of-lane crashes using the national motor vehicle crash causation survey to assess lane keeping technologies. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 5-8, 2017; Detroit, MI. |
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2019 |
Wiacek C, Forkenbrock G, Mynatt M, Shain K. Applying lane keeping support test track performance to real-world crash data. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 10-13, 2019; Eindhoven, Netherlands. |
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