We have formulated a biphasic model describing strain-related electromechanical phenomena in intact cortical bone, based on the one-dimensional model of Salzstein. This extension of the theory to two dimensions brings it to the next most useful level for analyzing anatomically meaningful shapes. The model is utilized in conjunction with experimentally measured bone properties in order to compute for the first time, in living bone, the magnitudes of hydrostatic pressure, stress generated electrical fields, flow velocity, and shear stresses that arise from mechanical strain, throughout the lifespan. Two experimental studies provide for the initial validation of the model, although further studies are needed to more fully validate the theory. The model is applied here to the rat femur, throughout the lifespan of the animal, but the theory is general, and can be applied to any species or age of long bone simply by utilizing the appropriate model parameters. The coupling of the model with age-related variations in the electrical properties, mechanical properties, and bone geometry provides a rigorous understanding of how the mechanical environment at the whole bone level is translated into possible cell signals at the tissue level, providing a more comprehensive view of how bone responds to its mechanical environment. In addition, the computed magnitudes of the electromechanical phenomena at physiological activity levels provide insight into the biological significance of the phenomena when viewed in the context of the bone remodelling literature.