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1998 |
Mow VC, Ateshian GA, Lai WM, Gu WY. Effects of fixed charges on the stress–relaxation behavior of hydrated soft tissues in a confined compression problem. Int J Solids Struct. December 1998;35(34-35):4945-4962. |
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1993 |
Gu WY, Lai WM, Mow VC. Transport of fluid and ions through a porous-permeable charged-hydrated tissue, and streaming potential data on normal bovine articular cartilage. J Biomech. June 1993;26(6):709-723. |
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2003 |
Gu WY, Yao H, Huang CY, Cheung HS. New insight into deformation-dependent hydraulic permeability of gels and cartilage, and dynamic behavior of agarose gels in confined compression. J Biomech. April 2003;36(4):593-598. |
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Gu WY, Lai WM, Mow VC. A mixture theory for charged-hydrated soft tissues containing multi-electrolytes: passive transport and swelling behaviors. J Biomech Eng. April 1998;120(2):169-180. |
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1999 |
Gu WY, Mao XG, Foster RJ, Weidenbaum M, Mow VC, Rawlins BA. The anisotropic hydraulic permeability of human lumbar anulus fibrosus: influence of age, degeneration, direction, and water content. Spine. December 1, 1999;24(23):2449-2455. |
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