2000 |
Chesnut CH, Silverman S, Andriano K, Genant H, Gimona A, Harris S, Kiel D, LeBoff M, Maricic M, Miller P, Moniz C, Peacock M, Richardson P, Watts N, Baylink D; PROOF Study Group. A randomized trial of nasal spray salmon calcitonin in postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis: the prevent recurrence of osteoporotic fractures study. Am J Med. September 2000;109(4):267-276. |
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1971 |
Baylink DJ, Wergedal JE. Bone formation by osteocytes. Am J Physiol. September 1971;221(3):669-678. |
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1996 |
Beamer WG, Donahue LR, Rosen CJ, Baylink DJ. Genetic variability in adult bone density among inbred strains of mice. Bone. May 1996;18(5):397-403. |
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1999 |
Kodama Y, Dimai HP, Wergedal J, Sheng M, Malpe R, Kutilek S, Beamer W, Donahue LR, Rosen C, Baylink DJ, Farley J. Cortical tibial bone volume in two strains of mice: effects of sciatic neurectomy and genetic regulation of bone response to mechanical loading. Bone. August 1999;25(2):183-190. |
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1999 |
Sheng MH-C, Baylink DJ, Beamer WG, Donahue LR, Rosen CJ, Lau K-HW, Wergedal JE. Histomorphometric studies show that bone formation and bone mineral apposition rates are greater in C3H/HeJ (high-density) than C57BL/6J (low-density) mice during growth. Bone. October 1999;25(4):421-429. |
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2003 |
Kapur S, Baylink DJ, William Lau K-H. Fluid flow shear stress stimulates human osteoblast proliferation and differentiation through multiple interacting and competing signal transduction pathways. Bone. March 2003;32(3):241-251. |
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1993 |
Rawlinson SCF, Mohan S, Baylink DJ, Lanyon LE. Exogenous prostacyclin, but not prostaglandin E₂, produces similar responses in both G6PD activity and RNA production as mechanical loading, and increases IGF-II release, in adult cancellous bone in culture. Calcif Tiss Int. November 1993;53(5):324-329. |
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2000 |
Kodama Y, Umemura Y, Nagasawa S, Beamer WG, Donahue LR, Rosen CR, Baylink DJ, Farley JR. Exercise and mechanical loading increase periosteal bone formation and whole bone strength in C57BL/6J mice but not in C3H/Hej mice. Calcif Tiss Int. April 2000;66(4):298-306. |
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2000 |
Turner CH, Hsieh Y, Müller R, Bouxsein ML, Baylink DJ, Rosen CJ, Grynpas MD, Donahue LR, Beamer WG. Genetic regulation of cortical and trabecular bone strength and microstructure in inbred strains of mice. J Bone Miner Res. June 2000;15(6):1126-1131. |
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2001 |
Beamer WG, Shultz KL, Donahue LR, Churchill GA, Sen S, Wergedal JR, Baylink DJ, Rosen CJ. Quantitative trait loci for femoral and lumbar vertebral bone mineral density in C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ inbred strains of mice. J Bone Miner Res. July 2001;16(7):1195-1206. |
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1978 |
Morey ER, Baylink DJ. Inhibition of bone formation during space flight. Science. September 22, 1978;201(4361):1138-1141. |
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