2003 |
Hu JCY, Athanasiou KA. The role of mechanical forces in tissue engineering of articular cartilage. In: Guilak F, Butler DL, Goldstein SA, Mooney DJ, eds. Functional Tissue Engineering. New York, NY: Inc., Springer-Verlag; 2003:227-242. |
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1995 |
Athanasiou KA, Niederauer GG, Schenck RC Jr. Biomechanical topography of human ankle cartilage. Ann Biomed Eng. September–October 1995;23(5):697-704. |
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2004 |
Almarza AJ, Athanasiou KA. Design characteristics for the tissue engineering of cartilaginous tissues. Ann Biomed Eng. January 2004;32(1):2-17. |
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2004 |
AufderHeide AC, Athanasiou KA. Mechanical stimulation toward tissue engineering of the knee meniscus. Ann Biomed Eng. August 2004;32(8):1161-1174. |
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2004 |
Sweigart MA, Zhu CF, Burt DM, deHoll PD, Agrawal CM, Clanton TO, Athanasiou KA. Intraspecies and interspecies comparison of the compressive properties of the medial meniscus. Ann Biomed Eng. November 2004;32(11):1569-1579. |
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2005 |
Allen KD, Athanasiou KA. A surface–regional and freeze–thaw characterization of the porcine temporomandibular joint disc. Ann Biomed Eng. July 2005;33(7):951-962. |
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2006 |
Aufderheide AC, Athanasiou KA. A direct compression stimulator for articular cartilage and meniscal explants. Ann Biomed Eng. September 2006;34(9):1463-1474. |
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2011 |
Huey DJ, Athanasiou KA. Maturational growth of self-assembled, functional menisci as a result of TGF-β1 and enzymatic chondroitinase-ABC stimulation. Biomaterials. March 2011;32(8):2052-2058. |
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2011 |
Makris EA, Hadidi P, Athanasiou KA. The knee meniscus: structure–function, pathophysiology, current repair techniques, and prospects for regeneration. Biomaterials. October 2011;32(30):7411-7431. |
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2016 |
Huang BJ, Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. Cell-based tissue engineering strategies used in the clinical repair of articular cartilage. Biomaterials. August 2016;98:1-22. |
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1998 |
Athanasiou KA, Liu GT, Lavery LA, Lanctot DR, Schenck RC Jr. Biomechanical topography of human articular cartilage in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1998;348:269-281. |
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1989 |
Mow VC, Gibbs MC, Lai WM, Zhu WB, Athanasiou KA. Biphasic indentation of articular cartilage, II: a numerical algorithm and an experimental study. J Biomech. 1989;22:853-861. |
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2006 |
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2006 |
Shieh AC, Athanasiou KA. Biomechanics of single zonal chondrocytes. J Biomech. 2006;39(9):1595-1602. |
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2023 |
Ateshian GA, Athanasiou KA, Soslowsky LJ. Editorial, F Guilak special issue. J Biomech. December 2023;161:111773. |
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2003 |
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2003 |
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1997 |
Liu GT, Lavery LA, Schenck RC Jr., Lanctot DR, Zhu CF, Athanasiou KA. Human articular cartilage biomechanics of the second metatarsal intermediate cuneiform joint. J Foot Ankle Surg. 1997;36(5):367-374. |
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1991 |
Athanasiou KA, Rosenwasser MP, Buckwalter JA, Malinin TI, Mow VC. Interspecies comparisons of in situ intrinsic mechanical properties of distal femoral cartilage. J Orthop Res. May 1991;9(3):330-340. |
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1994 |
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1999 |
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2004 |
Darling EM, Hu JCY, Athanasiou KA. Zonal and topographical differences in articular cartilage gene expression. J Orthop Res. November 2004;22(6):1182-1187. |
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2005 |
Darling EM, Athanasiou KA. Rapid phenotypic changes in passaged articular chondrocyte subpopulations. J Orthop Res. March 2005;23(2):425-432. |
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2008 |
Elder BD, Athanasiou KA. Effects of confinement on the mechanical properties of self-assembled articular cartilage constructs in the direction orthogonal to the confinement surface. J Orthop Res. February 2008;26(2):238-246. |
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2009 |
Natoli RM, Responte DJ, Lu BY, Athanasiou KA. Effects of multiple chondroitinase ABC applications on tissue engineered articular cartilage. J Orthop Res. July 2009;27(7):949-956. |
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2015 |
Makris EA, Gomoll AH, Malizos KN, Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. Repair and tissue engineering techniques for articular cartilage. Nat Rev Rheumatol. January 2015;11(1):21-34. |
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2008 |
Elder BD, Athanasiou KA. Synergistic and additive effects of hydrostatic pressure and growth factors on tissue formation. PLoS One. June 2008;3(6):e2341. |
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2008 |
Ofek G, Revell CM, Hu JC, Allison DD, Grande-Allen KJ, Athanasiou KA. Matrix development in self-assembly of articular cartilage. PLoS One. July 2008;3(7):e2795. |
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2011 |
Eleswarapu SV, Responte DJ, Athanasiou KA. Tensile properties, collagen content, and crosslinks in connective tissues of the immature knee joint. PLoS One. October 2011;6(10):e26178. |
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2014 |
Makris EA, Responte DJ, Paschos NK, Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. Developing functional musculoskeletal tissues through hypoxia and lysyl oxidase-induced collagen cross-linking. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. November 11, 2014;111(45):E4832-E4841. |
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2012 |
Huey DJ, Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. Unlike bone, cartilage regeneration remains elusive. Science. November 16, 2012;338(6109):917-921. |
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2001 |
Sweigart MA, Athanasiou KA. Toward tissue engineering of the knee meniscus. Tissue Eng. April 2001;7(2):111-129. |
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2003 |
Darling EM, Athanasiou KA. Articular cartilage bioreactors and bioprocesses. Tissue Eng. February 2003;9(1):9-26. |
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2003 |
Detamore MS, Athanasiou KA. Motivation, characterization, and strategy for tissue engineering the temporomandibular joint disc. Tissue Eng. December 2003;9(6):1065-1087. |
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2004 |
Almarza AJ, Athanasiou KA. Seeding techniques and scaffolding choice for tissue engineering of the temporomandibular joint disk. Tissue Eng. November 2004;10(11-12):1787-1795. |
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2006 |
Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. A self-assembling process in articular cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng. April 2006;12(4):969-979. |
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2006 |
Hu JC, Athanasiou KA. The effects of intermittent hydrostatic pressure on self-assembled articular cartilage constructs. Tissue Eng. May 2006;12(5):1337-1344. |
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2007 |
Hoben GM, Hu JC, James RA, Athanasiou KA. Self-assembly of fibrochondrocytes and chondrocytes for tissue engineering of the knee meniscus. Tissue Eng. May 2007;13(5):939-946. |
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2007 |
Aufderheide AC, Athanasiou KA. Assessment of a bovine co-culture, scaffold-free method for growing meniscus-shaped constructs. Tissue Eng. September 2007;13(9):2195-2205. |
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2009 |
Elder BD, Athanasiou KA. Effects of temporal hydrostatic pressure on tissue-engineered bovine articular cartilage constructs. Tissue Eng Part A. May 2009;15(5):1151-1158. |
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