The use of solid-state back-scattered electron (BSE) deter tors in the scanning electron microscopic study of skeleta tissues has been investigated. To minimize the topographic element in the image, flat samples and a ring detector con figuration with the sample at normal incidence to the bean and the detector are used. Very flat samples are prepared by diamond micromilling or diamond polishing plastic embedded tissue. Density discrimination in the image is so good that different density phases within mineralized bone can be imaged. For unembedded spongy bone, cut surface: can be discriminated from natural surfaces by atopographii contrast mechanism. BSE imaging also presents advan tages for unembedded samples with rough topography such as anorganic preparations of the mineralization zone it cartilage, which give rise to severe charging problems witl conventional secondary electron imaging.
Bone; Mineralization; Density; Scanning Electron Microscopy; Back; scattered Electron Imagery