1993 |
Boyde A, Elliott JC, Jones SJ. Stereology and histogram analysis of backscattered electron images: age changes in bone. Bone. May–June 1993;14(3):205-210. |
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1995 |
Boyde A, Jones SJ, Aerssens J, Dequeker J. Mineral density quantitation of the human cortical iliac crest by backscattered electron image analysis: variations with age, sex, and degree of osteoarthritis. Bone. June 1995;16(6):619-627. |
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1998 |
Boyde A, Compston JE, Reeve J, Bell KL, Noble BS, Jones SJ, Loveridge N. Effect of estrogen suppression on the mineralization density of iliac crest biopsies in young women as assessed by backscattered electron imaging. Bone. March 1998;22(3):241-250. |
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1999 |
Boyde A, Travers R, Glorieux FH, Jones SJ. The mineralization density of iliac crest bone from children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Calcif Tiss Int. March 1999;64(3):185-190. |
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1983 |
Boyde A, Jones SJ. Back-scattered electron imaging of skeletal tissues. Metab Bone Dis Rel Res. 1983;5(3):145-150. |
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1996 |
Boyde A, Jones SJ. Scanning electron microscopy of bone: instrument, specimen, and issues. Microsc Res Tech. February 1, 1996;33(2):92-120. |
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