This paper presents a method for calculating power transmitted to the hands of operators who use vibrating hand tools. Results that relate to a comprehensive multidisciplined NIOSH field study of several hundred chipper and grinder workers who used pneumatic hand tools are presented. The results of this study indicated that the power in the frequency range of 6.3 Hz to 1000 Hz transmitted to the hand ranged from 1.08 × 103 to 7.23 × 103 J/s for the chisel and from 8.52 × 10−1 to 1.57 × 102 J/s for the handle of chipping hammers. For pneumatic grinders the power transmitted to the hands of the tool operators was in the range of 6.58 × 10−3 to 2.35 × 10−3 J/s over the same frequency range.