This report documents the reconstruction of two real world car-to-car side impact accidents for which detailed accident investigation reports were available. The accident reconstructions were made under controlled test conditions, and the accuracy of each reconstruction was evaluated by comparing the damage to the vehicles in the reconstruction to that of the vehicles in the accident. The objective was to reproduce side impact crash environments for which a known injury severity occurred to an accident victim. A dummy specially designed to predict injury in side impact was seated in the samep osition as that of the accident victim. The dummy's accuracy in predicting injury severity could then be compared to the injury severity of the accident victim. The accuracy of such injury severity predictions will be presented in future reports by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concerning development of dummies for side impact. This report concerns mainly the accuracy of the side impact accident reconstructions and the problems in attaining the accuracy. The degree of injury severity of the accident victims is also reviewed.