1990 |
Crisco JJ III, Panjabi MM. Postural biomechanical stability and gross muscular architecture in the spine. In: Winters JM, Woo SL-Y, eds. Multiple Muscle Systems: Biomechanics and Movement Organization. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1990:438-450. |
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1992 |
Panjabi MM, Oda T, Crisco JJ III, Oxland TR, Katz L, Nolte L-P. Evaluation of atlas injuries: a biomechanical model of the atlas. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics Symposium. April 10-11, 1992; Detroit, MI.149-154. |
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2012 |
Rowson S, Duma SM, Beckwith JG, Chu JJ, Greenwald RM, Crisco JJ, Brolinson PG, Duhaime A-C, McAllister TW, Maerlender AC. Rotational head kinematics in football impacts: an injury risk function for concussion. Ann Biomed Eng. January 2012;40(1):1-13. |
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1992 |
Crisco JJ, Panjabi MM, Yamamoto I, Oxland TR. Euler stability of the human ligamentous lumbar spine, II: experiment. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). February 1992;7(1):27-32. |
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2005 |
Duma SM, Manoogian SJ, Bussone WR, Brolinson PG, Goforth MW, Donnenwerth JJ, Greenwald RM, Chu JJ, Crisco JJ. Analysis of real-time head accelerations in collegiate football players. Clin J Sport Med. January 2005;15(1):3-8. |
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2010 |
Crisco JJ, Fiore R, Beckwith JG, Chu JJ, Brolinson PG, Duma S, McAllister TW, Duhaime A-C, Greenwald RM. Frequency and location of head impact exposures in individual collegiate football players. J Athl Train. November–December 2010;45(6):549-559. |
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2006 |
Chu JJ, Beckwith JG, Crisco JJ, Greenwald RM. A novel algorithm to measure linear and rotational head acceleration using single-axis accelerometers. J Biomech. 2006;39(suppl 1):S534. |
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2011 |
Crisco JJ, Wilcox BJ, Beckwith JG, Chu JJ, Duhaime A-C, Rowson S, Duma SM, Maerlender AC, McAllister TW, Greenwald RM. Head impact exposure in collegiate football players. J Biomech. October 13, 2011;44(15):2673. |
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2004 |
Crisco JJ, Chu JJ, Greenwald RM. An algorithm for estimating acceleration magnitude and impact location using multiple nonorthogonal single-axis accelerometers. J Biomech Eng. December 2004;126(6):849-854. |
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2010 |
Gwin JT, Chu JJ, Diamond SG, Halstead PD, Crisco JJ, Greenwald RM. An investigation of the NOCSAE linear impactor test method based on in vivo measures of head impact acceleration in American football. J Biomech Eng. January 2010;132(1):011006. |
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1994 |
Panjabi MM, Oxland TR, Yamamoto I, Crisco JJ. Mechanical behavior of the human lumbar and lumbosacral spine as shown by three-dimensional load-displacement curves. J Bone Joint Surg. March 1994;76A(3):413-424. |
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1991 |
Panjabi M, Dvorak J, Crisco JJ III, Oda T, Wang P, Grob D. Effects of alar ligament transection on upper cervical spine rotation. J Orthop Res. July 1991;9(4):584-593. |
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1996 |
Panjabi MM, Yoldas E, Oxland TR, Crisco JJ III. Subfailure injury of the rabbit anterior cruciate ligament. J Orthop Res. March 1996;14(2):216-222. |
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1991 |
Panjabi M, Dvorak J, Crisco J III, Oda T, Hilibrand A, Grob D. Flexion, extension, and lateral bending of the upper cervical spine in response to alar ligament transections. J Spinal Disord. June 1991;4(2):157-167. |
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2012 |
Brainard L, Beckwith J, Chu J, Crisco J, Mcallister T, Duhaime A-C, Maerlender A, Greenwald R. Gender differences in head impacts sustained by collegiate ice hockey players. Med Sci Sports Exer. February 2012;44(2):297-304. |
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2008 |
Greenwald RM, Gwin JT, Chu JJ, Crisco JJ. Head impact severity measures for evaluating mild traumatic brain injury risk exposure. Neurosurgery. April 2008;62(4):789-798. |
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1989 |
Yamamoto I, Panjabi MM, Crisco T, Oxland T. Three-dimensional movements of the whole lumbar spine and lumbosacral joint. Spine. November 1989;14(11):1256-1260. |
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1991 |
Crisco JJ III, Panjabi MM. The intersegmental and multisegmental muscles of the lumbar spine: a biomechanical model comparing lateral stabilizing potential. Spine. July 1991;16(7):793-799. |
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2001 |
Panjabi MM, Crisco JJ, Vasavada A, Oda T, Cholewicki J, Nibu K, Shin E. Mechanical properties of the human cervical spine as shown by three-dimensional load-displacement curves. Spine. December 2001;26(24):2692-2700. |
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