Anderson, Robert; McLean, Jack; Streeter, Luke; Ponte, Giulio; Sommariva, Marleen; Lindsay, Tori; Wundersitz, Lisa Severity and type of pedestrian injuries related to vehicle impact locations and results of sub-system impact reconstruction |
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Arnoux, P. J.; Thollon, L.; Kayvantash, K.; Cavallero, C.; Brunet, C. Advanced lower limbs model with RADIOSS application to frontal and lateral impacts |
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Berg, F. Alexander; Rücker, Peter Airbag prototype for a mid-sized touring motorcycle |
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Bhalla, K.; Montazemi, P.; Crandall, J.; Yang, J.; Liu, X.; Dokko, Y.; Takahashi, Y.; Kikuchi, Y.; Longhitano, D. Vehicle impact velocity prediction from pedestrian throw distance: trade-offs between throw formulae, crash simulators, and detailed multi-body modeling |
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Compigne, S.; Caire, Y.; Verriest, J. P. Three dimensional dynamic response of the human shoulder submitted to lateral and oblique glenohumeral joint impacts |
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Croft, Arthur C.; Haneline, Michael T.; Freeman, Michael D. Differential occupant kinematics and forces between frontal and rear automobile impacts at low speed: evidence for a differential injury risk |
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Darvish, K. K.; Crandall, J. R. Influence of brain material properties and boundary conditions on brain response during dynamic loading |
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Delille, C.; Drazetic, P.; Masson, C.; Markiewicz, E.; Canaple, B.; Cesari, D. A new head physical model |
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Edwards, Marcy A.; Zuby, David S.; Nelson, Laurie A. Comparison of driver head positions: volunteers versus dummies |
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Eichberger, A.; Steiner, J.; Breitenhuber, W.; Wernig, J. The effect of the FMVSS201U free motion headform legislation on head injuries: a discussion based on numerical simulations |
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Fildes, B. N.; Sparke, L. J.; Bostrom, O.; Pintar, F.; Yoganandan, N.; Morris, A. P. Suitability of current side impact test dummies in far-side impacts |
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Franklyn, Melanie; Fitzharris, Michael; Fildes, Brian; Frampton, Richard; Morris, Andrew; Yang, King H. Liver and spleen injuries in side impact: differences by side of the road driven |
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Gennarelli, Thomas A.; Pintar, Frank A.; Yoganandan, Narayan; Sinson, Grant; Beuse, Nathaniel; Chan, Bob; Morgan, Richard Head injuries to nearside occupants in lateral impacts: epidemiological and full-scale crash test analyses |
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Gwehenberger, Johann; Langwieder, Klaus; Bromann, Guido; Zipfel, Dieter Injury risk for truck occupants due to serious commercial vehicles accidents: results of real-world-crash analysis |
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Heitplatz, Frank; Sferco, Raimondo; Fay, Paul A.; Reim, Joerg; de Vogel, Dieter Development of a generic low speed rear impact pulse for assessing soft tissue neck injury risk |
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Iwamoto, Masami; Kisanuki, Yoshikatsu; Watanabe, Isao; Furusu, Katsuya; Miki, Kazuo; Hasegawa, Junji Development of a finite element model of the total human model for safety (THUMS) and application to injury reconstruction |
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Jakobsson, Lotta; Norin, Hans; Bunketorp, Olle In-depth study of whiplash associated disorders in frontal impacts: influencing factors and consequences |
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Kallina, Ingo Pedestrian protection: looking for potentials |
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Kirk, Alan; Frampton, Richard; Thomas, Pete An evaluation of airbag benefits/disbenefits in european vehicles: a combined statistical and case study approach |
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Krafft, Maria; Kullgren, Anders; Lie, Anders; Tingvall, Claes The risk of whiplash injury in the rear seat compared to the front seat in rear impacts |
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Kramlich, Thomas; Langwieder, Klaus; Lang, Dina; Hell, Wolfram Accident characteristics in car-to-pedestrian impacts |
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Kullgren, Anders; Krafft, Maria; Ydenius, Anders; Lie, Anders; Tingvall, Claes Developments in car safety with respect to disability: injury distributions for car occupants in cars from the 80’s and 90’s |
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Liu, Xuejun; Yang, Jikuang Effects of vehicle impact velocity and front-end structure on the dynamic responses of child pedestrians |
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Masson, C.; Vinel, H.; Cavallero, C.; Brunet, C. Response of the human pelvis-femur-knee complex during low speed frontal impact |
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Mohan, Dinesh Traffic safety and thirty years of biomechanics research: a personal adventure |
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Ono, Koshiro; Kaneoka, Koji; Hattori, Shinichiro; Ujihashi, Sadayuki; Takhounts, Erik G.; Haffner, Mark; Eppinger, Rolf H. Cervical vertebral motions and biomechanical responses to direct loading of human head |
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Roselt, Thomas; Langwieder, Klaus; Hummel, Thomas; Köster, Hans-Jürgen W. Injury patterns of front seat occupants in frontal car collisions with airbags: effectivity and optimisation potential of airbags |
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Schmitt, K.-U.; Muser, M.; Vetter, D.; Walz, F. Biomechanical assessment of soft tissue neck injuries in cases with long sick leave times |
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Silva, Miguel; Ambrósio, Jorge Out-of-position vehicle occupants models in a multibody integrated simulation environment |
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Steffan, Hermann; Hofinger, Manfred; Datentechnik, Steffan; Parenteau, Chantal; Shah, Minoo; Webber, James; Darok, Mario; Leinzinger, Peter Abdominal responses to dynamically lap belt loading |
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Szabo, T. J.; Voss, D. P.; Welcher, J. B. Influence of seat foam and geometrical properties on biorid p3 kinematic response to rear impacts |
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Thollon, L.; Arnoux, P. J.; Kayvantash, K.; Cavallero, C.; Brunet, C. Human injury evaluation using HUMOS RADIOSS finite element model |
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van der Horst, M. J.; Leerdam, P. J. C. Experimental and numerical analysis of occupant safety in blast mine loading under vehicles |
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Vezin, Philippe; Bruyere-Garnier, Karine; Bermond, François Human response to a frontal sled deceleration |
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Willinger, R.; Bourdet, N.; Schwaller, B.; Le Gall, F. Modal characteristics of the head-neck system in vivo |
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Ydenius, Anders Influence of crash pulse duration on injury risk in frontal impacts based on real life crashes |
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Yoganandan, Narayan; Pintar, Frank A.; Gennarelli, Thomas A.; Maltese, Matthew R.; Eppinger, Rolf H. Biofidelity evaluation of recent side impact dummies |
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Zellmer, Harald; Muser, Markus; Stamm, Michael; Walz, Felix; Hell, Wolfram; Langwieder, Klaus; Philippens, Mat Comparison of rear impact dummies: Hybrid III (TRID), BioRID and RID2 |
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