Since the early beginning of the Enhanced Safety Vehicle Program in 1969, Mercedes-Benz has created over 30 ESF cars, and thus played a key role in the development of modern automotive safety.
After more than 30 years Mercedes-Benz presented in 2009 a new ESF based on the very latest safety features, such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Adaptive Restraint Systems, and Integrated Safety Systems (PRE- SAFE®)
Nowadays, the automotive industry is facing one of its most challenging paradigm shifts. In the coming years, connectivity, automated driving, shared services and electric cars will fundamentally change the usage of cars. After ten years Mercedes-Benz will show again a research car: the ESF 2019. Mercedes-Benz, as a worldwide leader in automotive safety, will demonstrate its vision and ideas for safety for this new vehicle generation: a vision of safety that goes beyond just the passenger and includes the vehicle’s surroundings.
With all its innovations, the Mercedes-Benz Experimental Safety Vehicle 2019 represents a further milestone in automotive safety.