The surveillance of a manoeuvring target with multiple, mobile sensors in a coordinated manner requires a method for selecting and positioning groups of sensors in real time. In this context, this thesis outlines a comprehensive approach to planning sensor systems. The problem is addressed in two parts. The first part aims to optimally configure the sensing system for a particular task. This is accomplished through a simulation-based optimization procedure conducted off-line. Given a priori information about the expected object trajectories, the sensor set and initial sensor poses are determined such that the effectiveness of the sensing system is maximized. Using the optimally configured sensing system as a starting point, the second part updates the sensor poses and coordination strategies in real-time, reacting to the object motion. The principles of dispatching, as used for the effective operation of service vehicles, are adopted for this purpose. The predicted object trajectory is first discretized into a number of demand instants (data acquisition times), to which | groups of sensors are assigned, respectively. Dispatching uses two complementary strategies. The coordination strategy determines which sensors will be assigned to a demand, while the positioning strategy specifies the pose of all sensors. The proposed approach aims to improve the quality of surveillance data in three ways: (1) The assigned sensors are manoecuvred into “optimal” sensing positions, (2) the uncertainty of the measured data is mitigated through sensor fusion, and (3) the poses of the unassigned sensors are adjusted to ensure that the surveillance system can react to future object manoeuvres. Two different sensor dispatching methods are developed. One uses heuristics, while the other learns appropriate strategies using reinforcement learning techniques. In addition, a method by which the two approaches may be used synergistically is introduced. Comprehensive simulations and experiments demonstrate the advantages of dispatching dynamic sensors over similar static-sensor surveillance systems.