The objective of this study was to address the question raised in previous nearside impact testing on how combined loading from seatbelt pretensioners and side airbags affects the thorax. The specific aims of this study were to compare how different lateral and anterior-posterior loading conditions and speeds affect the thorax, particularly rib strain. Aim 1 was to compare the strains between different compressive boundary conditions. Aim 2 was to examine how strain varies along each individual rib. Aim 3 was to compare the strain of the upper versus lower ribs. Aim 4 was to compare the strains on the right and left sides of the thorax. Two post-mortem human subjects (PMHS) were tested in ram impactor tests featuring a variety of speeds, orientations, and precompressions. Subjects were instrumented with three strain gages on ribs 2-9 at the anterior, anterior oblique, and posterior aspects. Strain magnitudes, profiles, and angles were analyzed and related back to the aims. Due to the numerous limitations of this study, more testing is required to make any clear conclusions.