2020 |
Smith C, Voisin S, Al Saedi A, Phu S, Brennan-Speranza T, Parker L, Eynon N, Hiam D, Yan X, Scott D, Blekkenhorst LC, Lewis JR, Seeman E, Byrnes E, Flicker L, Duque G, Yeap BB, Levinger I. Osteocalcin and its forms across the lifespan in adult men. Bone. January 2020;130:115085. |
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2020 |
Al Saedi A, Myers DE, Stupka N, Duque G. 1,25(OH)₂D₃ ameliorates palmitate-induced lipotoxicity in human primary osteoblasts leading to improved viability and function. Bone. December 2020;141:115672. |
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2022 |
Al Saedi A, Debruin DA, Hayes A, Hamrick M. Lipid metabolism in sarcopenia. Bone. November 2022;164:116539. |
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2020 |
Al Saedi A, Chen L, Phu S, Vogrin S, Miao D, Ferland G, Gaudreau P, Duque G. Age-related increases in marrow fat volumes have regional impacts on bone cell numbers and structure. Calcif Tiss Int. August 2020;107(2):126-134. |
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2020 |
Duque G, Vidal C, Li W, Al Saedi A, Khalil M, Lim CK, Myers DE, Guillemin GJ. Picolinic acid, a catabolite of tryptophan, has an anabolic effect on bone in vivo. J Bone Miner Res. November 2020;35(11):2275-2288. |
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