2020 |
Smith C, Voisin S, Al Saedi A, Phu S, Brennan-Speranza T, Parker L, Eynon N, Hiam D, Yan X, Scott D, Blekkenhorst LC, Lewis JR, Seeman E, Byrnes E, Flicker L, Duque G, Yeap BB, Levinger I. Osteocalcin and its forms across the lifespan in adult men. Bone. January 2020;130:115085. |
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2021 |
Smith C, Tacey A, Mesinovic J, Scott D, Lin X, Brennan-Speranza TC, Lewis JR, Duque G, Levinger I. The effects of acute exercise on bone turnover markers in middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review. Bone. February 2021;143:115766. |
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2021 |
Hiam D, Landen S, Jacques M, Voisin S, Alvarez-Romero J, Byrnes E, Chubb P, Levinger I, Eynon N. Osteocalcin and its forms respond similarly to exercise in males and females. Bone. March 2021;144:115818. |
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2022 |
Al Saedi A, Debruin DA, Hayes A, Hamrick M. Lipid metabolism in sarcopenia. Bone. November 2022;164:116539. |
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2022 |
Smith C, Hiam D, Tacey A, Lin X, Woessner MN, Zarekookandeh N, Garnham A, Chubb P, Lewis JR, Sim M, Herrmann M, Duque G, Levinger I. Higher bone remodeling biomarkers are related to a higher muscle function in older adults: effects of acute exercise. Bone. December 2022;165:116545. |
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2023 |
Bauer C, Sim M, Prince RL, Zhu K, Lim EM, Byrnes E, Pavlos N, Lim WH, Wong G, Lewis JR, Levinger I. Circulating lipocalin-2 and features of metabolic syndrome in community-dwelling older women: a cross-sectional study. Bone. November 2023;176:116861. |
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2023 |
Clavel P, Leduc C, Morin J-B, Buchheit M, Lacome M. Reliability of individual acceleration-speed profile in-situ in elite youth soccer players. J Biomech. May 2023;153:111602. |
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1997 |
Morris FL, Naughton GA, Gibbs JL, Carlson JS, Wark JD. Prospective ten-month exercise intervention in premenarcheal girls: positive effects on bone and lean mass. J Bone Miner Res. September 1997;12(9):1453-1462. |
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1998 |
Bradney M, Pearce G, Naughton G, Sullivan C, Bass S, Beck T, Carlson J, Seeman E. Moderate exercise during growth in prepubertal boys: changes in bone mass, size, volumetric density, and bone strength: a controlled prospective study. J Bone Miner Res. December 1998;13(12):1814-1821. |
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2019 |
Parker L, Lin X, Garnham A, McConell G, Stepto NK, Hare DL, Byrnes E, Ebeling PR, Seeman E, Brennan‐Speranza TC, Levinger I. Glucocorticoid‐induced insulin resistance in men is associated with suppressed undercarboxylated osteocalcin. J Bone Miner Res. January 2019;34(1):49-58. |
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2020 |
Debruin DA, Timpani CA, Lalunio H, Rybalka E, Goodman CA, Hayes A. Exercise may ameliorate the detrimental side effects of high vitamin D supplementation on muscle function in mice. J Bone Miner Res. June 2020;35(6):1092-1106. |
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2021 |
Smith C, Lewis JR, Sim M, Lim WH, Lim EM, Blekkenhorst LC, Brennan‐Speranza TC, Adams L, Byrnes E, Duque G, Levinger I, Prince RL. Higher undercarboxylated to total osteocalcin ratio is associated with reduced physical function and increased 15‐year falls‐related hospitalizations: the Perth Longitudinal Study of Aging Women. J Bone Miner Res. March 2021;36(3):523-530. |
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2022 |
Robertson CL, Ghosh G, Fitzgerald P, Hankey GJ, Levinger I, Golledge J, Almeida OP, Flicker L, Ebeling PR, Yeap BB. Bone turnover markers including undercarboxylated osteocalcin are associated with mortality risk in older men. J Bone Miner Res. August 2022;37(8):1464-1472. |
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2022 |
Feldmann DC, Rahim M, Suijkerbuijk MAM, Laguette M-JN, Cieszczyk P, Ficek K, Huminska-Lisowska K, Häger CK, Stattin E, Nilsson KG, Alvarez-Rumero J, Eynon N, Feller J, Tirosh O, Posthumus M, Chimusa ER, Collins M, September AV. Investigation of multiple populations highlight VEGFA polymorphisms to modulate anterior cruciate ligament injury. J Orthop Res. July 2022;40(7):1604-1612. |
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