With the development of highly automated vehicles, the automotive industry predicts more occupants will opt for reclined seating. This study aimed to evaluate the biofidelity of the Hybrid-III 50th Male and THOR 50th Male anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) in a reclined frontal sled impact condition. Three tests per ATD were performed in a reclined condition previously used to test post-mortem human subjects (PMHS). ATD kinematics were captured using an optical 3D motion tracking system. Analogous anatomic points were defined relative to the rigid structure on the ATD corresponding to the anatomic structure of the PMHS, which permitted direct comparison of the kinematics of the ATDs and the PMHS. Qualitative biofidelity evaluation was conducted by comparing signals from the two ATDs to corresponding PMHS response corridors. Both ATDs exhibited good repeatability and similarities to the PMHS in some respects, but magnitudes and directions of other parameters were dissimilar. This was observed especially in the pelvis, where forward, rearward, and near-zero rotation were seen in the HIII-50M, the THOR-50M, and the PMHS, respectively. Maximum pelvis forward displacement also varied between the HIII-50M (100 mm), the THOR-50M (200 mm), and the PMHS (150 mm). Data and analysis from this study could become the basis for future biofidelity-augmenting ATD modifications.
Biofidelity; frontal impact; Hybrid-III; recline; THOR