The basis for comparable occupant simulations with different Human Body Models lies in welldetermined initial model positions. Therefore, a repeatable method which positions the Human Models according to a settled target posture is required. Moreover, the existing anthropometric variations between different Human Body Models need to be considered. The available tools are focusing on positioning methods, whereas the required capability to adapt the input target data to a certain Human Body Model’s anthropometry was not found in current literature. The presented method covers both steps: 1) the positioning of different Human Body Models to an adapted target position based on their anthropometry and 2) their settling on the seat. For this purpose, a set of consistent landmark coordinates relative to a seat environment is required as target posture for the positioning of different Human Body Models. This procedure is demonstrated for two Finite Element Human Body Models. The trajectories which transfer the models to their target positions, were calculated automatically with an executable script in the software PIPER. Besides, the positioning of the Multi Body Human Body Model was done with the existing Madymo pre-processor. Furthermore, a gravity-based method was applied to reach a realistic contact situation. After the positioning process, it is shown that the three models reach a common posture with the maximum deviation of 10 mm at the knee due to different femur lengths.
Finite Element Human Body Model; Multibody Human Body Model; Positioning; Anthropometric adaption; PIPER scripting