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2006 |
Zhang K, Barragan-Adjemian C, Ye L, Kotha S, Dallas M, Lu Y, Zhao S, Harris M, Harris SE, Feng JQ, Bonewald LF. E11/gp38 selective expression in osteocytes: regulation by mechanical strain and role in dendrite elongation. Mol Cell Biol. June 2006;26(12):4539-4552. |
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2010 |
Xia X, Batra N, Shi Q, Bonewald LF, Sprague E, Jiang JX. Prostaglandin promotion of osteocyte gap junction function through transcriptional regulation of connexin 43 by glycogen synthase kinase 3/β-catenin signaling. Mol Cell Biol. June 15, 2010;30(1):3071-3085. |
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2010 |
Kramer I, Halleux C, Keller H, Pegurri M, Gooi JH, Weber PB, Feng JQ, Bonewald LF, Kneissel M. Osteocyte Wnt/β-catenin signaling is required for normal bone homeostasis. Mol Cell Biol. June 15, 2010;30(12):3071-3085. |
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Feng JQ, Ward LM, Liu S, Lu Y, Xie Y, Yuan B, Yu X, Rauch F, Davis SI, Zhang S, Rios H, Drezner MK, Quarles LD, Bonewald LF, White KE. Loss of DMP1 causes rickets and osteomalacia and identifies a role for osteocytes in mineral metabolism. Nat Genet. November 2006;38(11):1310-1315. |
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2011 |
Nakashima T, Hayashi M, Fukunaga T, Kurata K, Oh-hora M, Feng JQ, Bonewald LF, Kodama T, Wutz A, Wagner EF, Penninger JM, Takayanagi H. Evidence for osteocyte regulation of bone homeostasis through RANKL expression. Nat Med. October 2011;17(10):1231-1234. |
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