1996 |
Rawlinson SCF, Pitsillides AA, Lanyon LE. Involvement of different ion channels in osteoblasts' and osteocytes' early responses to mechanical strain. Bone. December 1996;19(6):609-614. |
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2005 |
De Souza RL, Matsuura M, Eckstein F, Rawlinson SCF, Lanyon LE, Pitsillides AA. Non-invasive axial loading of mouse tibiae increases cortical bone formation and modifies trabecular organization: a new model to study cortical and cancellous compartments in a single loaded element. Bone. December 2005;37(6):810-818. |
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2023 |
Monzem S, Valkani D, Evans LAE, Chang Y-M, Pitsillides AA. Regional modular responses in different bone compartments to the anabolic effect of PTH (1-34) and axial loading in mice. Bone. May 2023;170:116720. |
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1995 |
Pitsillides AA, Rawlinson SCF, Suswillo RFL, Bourrin S, Zaman G, Lanyon LE. Mechanical strain‐induced NO production by bone cells: a possible role in adaptive bone (re)modeling? FASEB J. December 1995;9(15):1614-1622. |
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2010 |
Sztefek P, Vanleene M, Olsson R, Collinson R, Pitsillides AA, Shefelbine S. Using digital image correlation to determine bone surface strains during loading and after adaptation of the mouse tibia. J Biomech. March 3, 2010;43(4):599-605. |
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1995 |
Rawlinson SCF, Mosley JR, Suswillo RFL, Pitsillides AA, Lanyon LE. Calvarial and limb bone cells in organ and monolayer culture do not show the same early responses to dynamic mechanical strain. J Bone Miner Res. 1995;10(8):1225-1232. |
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2023 |
Sharma A, Michels LV, Pitsillides AA, Greeves J, Plotkin LI, Cardo V, Sims NA, Clarkin CE. Sexing bones: improving transparency of sex reporting to address bias within preclinical studies. J Bone Miner Res. January 2023;38(1):5-13. |
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2023 |
Hopkinson M, Jones G, Evans L, Gohin S, Magnusdottir R, Salmon P, Chenu C, Meeson R, Javaheri B, Pitsillides AA. A new method for segmentation and analysis of bone callus in rodent fracture models using micro-CT. J Orthop Res. August 2023;41(8):1717-1728. |
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2020 |
Madi K, Staines KA, Bay BK, Javaheri B, Geng H, Bodey AJ, Cartmell S, Pitsillides AA, Lee PD. In situ characterization of nanoscale strains in loaded whole joints via synchrotron X-ray tomography. Nat Biomed Eng. March 2020;4(3):343-354. |
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