2001 |
Knothe Tate ML. Bone poroelasticity. In: Cowin SC, ed. Bone Mechanics Handbook. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2001:22-1–22-29. |
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1998 |
Knothe Tate ML, Knothe U, Niederer P. Experimental elucidation of mechanical load-induced fluid flow and its potential role in bone metabolism and functional adaptation. Am J Med Sci. September 1998;316(3):189-195. |
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1998 |
Knothe Tate ML, Niederer P, Knothe U. In vivo tracer transport through the lacunocanalicular system of rat bone in an environment devoid of mechanical loading. Bone. February 1998;22(2):107-117. |
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2004 |
Knothe Tate ML, Adamson JR, Tami AE, Bauer TW. The osteocyte. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. January 2004;36(1):1-8. |
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2000 |
Knothe Tate M, Knothe U. An ex vivo model to study transport processes and fluid flow in loaded bone. J Biomech. February 2000;33(2):247-254. |
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2000 |
Gardner TN, Stoll T, Marks L, Mishra S, Knothe Tate M. The influence of mechanical stimulus on the pattern of tissue differentiation in a long bone fracture: an FEM study. J Biomech. April 2000;33(4):415-425. |
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2003 |
Knothe Tate ML. “Whither flows the fluid in bone?” an osteocyte's perspective. J Biomech. October 2003;36(10):1409-1424. |
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2002 |
Tami AE, Nasser P, Verborgt O, Schaffler MB, Knothe Tate ML. The role of interstitial fluid flow in the remodeling response to fatigue loading. J Bone Miner Res. November 2002;17(11):2030-2037. |
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2000 |
Knothe Tate ML, Steck R, Forwood MR, Niederer P. In vivo demonstration of load-induced fluid flow in the rat tibia and its potential implications for processes associated with functional adaptation. J Exp Biol. September 2000;203(18):2737-2745. |
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2003 |
Steck R, Niederer P, Knothe Tate ML. A finite element analysis for the prediction of load-induced fluid flow and mechanochemical transduction in bone. J Theo Biol. January 21, 2003;220(2):249-259. |
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