1973 |
Paul IL, Radin EL, Rose RM. Biomechanical aspects of orthopaedic implants. In: Kenedi RM, ed. Perspectives in Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of a Symposium Organised in Association With the Biological Engineering Society and Held in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 1972. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press; 1973:95-101. |
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1974 |
Raux PR, Rose RM, Paul IL, Townsend P, Radin EL. The behavior of the patella under impact loads: the biomechanics of its bony and chondral fracture patterns. In: Proceedings of the International Meeting on the Biomechanics of Trauma in Children. September 17-19, 1974; Lyon, France.129-138. |
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1970 |
Radin EL, Paul IL, Tolkoff MJ. Subchondral bone changes in patients with early degenerative joint disease. Arthritis Rheum. July–August 1970;13(4):400-405. |
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1971 |
Radin EL, Paul IL. Response of joints to impact loading, I: in vitro wear. Arthritis Rheum. May–June 1971;14(3):356-362. |
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1978 |
Radin EL, Ehrlich MG, Chernack R, Abernethy P, Paul IL, Rose RM. Effect of repetitive impulsive loading on the knee joints of rabbits. Clin Orthop Relat Res. March–April 1978;131:288-293. |
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1972 |
Simon SR, Radin EL, Paul IL, Rose RM. The response of joints to impact loading, II: in vivo behavior of subchondral bone. J Biomech. May 1972;5(3):267-272. |
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1973 |
Radin EL, Parker HG, Pugh JW, Steinberg RS, Paul IL, Rose RM. Response of joints to impact loading, III: relationship between trabecular microfractures and cartilage degeneration. J Biomech. January 1973;6(1):51-57. |
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1978 |
Paul IL, Munro MB, Abernethy PJ, Simon SR, Radin EL, Rose RM. Musculo-skeletal shock absorption: relative contribution of bone and soft tissues at various frequencies. J Biomech. 1978;11(5):237-239. |
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1982 |
Radin EL, Orr RB, Kelman JL, Paul IL, Rose RM. Effect of prolonged walking on concrete on the knees of sheep. J Biomech. 1982;15(7):487-492. |
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1970 |
Radin EL, Paul IL, Lowy M. A comparison of the dynamic force transmitting properties of subchondral bone and articular cartilage. J Bone Joint Surg. April 1970;52A(3):444-456. |
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1972 |
Radin EL, Paul IL, Rose RM. Role of mechanical factors in pathogenesis of primary osteoarthritis. Lancet. March 4, 1972;299(7749):519-522. |
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