2010 |
Hamed E, Lee Y, Jasiuk I. Multiscale modeling of elastic properties of cortical bone. Acta Mech. August 2010;213(1):131-154. |
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2003 |
Rubin MA, Jasiuk I, Taylor J, Rubin J, Ganey T, Apkarian RP. TEM analysis of the nanostructure of normal and osteoporotic human trabecular bone. Bone. March 2003;32(3):270-282. |
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2018 |
Idkaidek A, Koric S, Jasiuk I. Fracture analysis of multi-osteon cortical bone using XFEM. Comput Mech. August 2018;62(2):171-184. |
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2021 |
Sabet FA, Koric S, Idkaidek A, Jasiuk I. High-performance computing comparison of implicit and explicit nonlinear finite element simulations of trabecular bone. Comput Methods Prog Biomed. March 2021;200:105870. |
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2017 |
Idkaidek A, Jasiuk I. Cortical bone fracture analysis using XFEM: case study. Int J Num Meth Biomed Eng. April 2017;33(4):e2809. |
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2011 |
Feng L, Jasiuk I. Multi-scale characterization of swine femoral cortical bone. J Biomech. January 11, 2011;44(2):313-320. |
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2012 |
Feng L, Chittenden M, Schirer J, Dickinson M, Jasiuk I. Mechanical properties of porcine femoral cortical bone measured by nanoindentation. J Biomech. June 26, 2012;45(10):1775-1782. |
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2010 |
Feng L, Jasiuk I. Effect of specimen geometry on tensile strength of cortical bone. J Biomed Mater Res. November 2010;A95(2):580-587. |
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2015 |
Chittenden M, Najafi AR, Li J, Jasiuk I. Nanoindentation and ash content study of age dependent changes in porcine cortical bone. J Mech Med Biol. October 2015;15(5):1550074. |
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2020 |
Fraulob M, Pang S, Le Cann S, Vayron R, Laurent-Brocq M, Todatry S, Soares JA, Jasiuk I, Haïat G. Multimodal characterization of the bone-implant interface using raman spectroscopy and nanoindentation. Med Eng Phys. October 2020;84:60. |
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2005 |
Rubin MA, Jasiuk I. The TEM characterization of the lamellar structure of osteoporotic human trabecular bone. Micron. October–December 2005;36(7-8):653-664. |
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2021 |
Pang S, Su FY, Green A, Salim J, McKittrick J, Jasiuk I. Comparison of different protocols for demineralization of cortical bone. Sci Rep. March 29, 2021;11:7012. |
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