Side collision accidents were the most frequent and fatal traffic accidents in Korea. The safety regulations and KNCAP (MDB and Pole side test) only protect the near side driver. Since 2003, the safety standard and KNCAP were established to protect occupants from the side collision type accidents in Korea. However, from 2014 police accident data, fatalities from side collision type of accidents were 555 and the ratio was 30%. The injured occupants were 92,300 and ratio was 34%. In this police data, all fatality and injury of participants that involved this accident were counted even though one who experienced frontal structure of vehicle was impacted.
The objective of this study was to investigate the severity of side impacts in KIDAS. Recently, KIDAS (Korea In- Depth Accident Study) has been established and collected the accident data from four different medium size cities from 2012. Among 2,080 cases of all accidents, 217 cases of side impacts were investigated. In this data analysis, seated position, vehicle damage, impact speed, impact direction, vehicle type, gender, age, height and weight were selected as influence variables to identify the severity of injury and injured body parts. From the limited real accident data analysis, the number of accident and injury severity between near and far side impact were almost equivalent.
The side impact test with far-side seated dummy was conducted and analyzed to compare with near side impact test results. On the comparison, both dummy injury and kinematics was investigated.
In the paper, the test results for injury severity for near and far side occupants were compared as well as the kinematic behavior of dummy motions. New assessment criteria for far side occupant in side impact was proposed as KNCAP far side occupant protection test method and effectiveness of the center air bag system