1993 |
Barnsley L, Bogduk N. Medial branch blocks are specific for the diagnosis of cervical zygapophyseal joint pain. Reg Anesth. November–December 1993;18(6):343-350. |
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1991 |
Amevo B, Worth D, Bogduk N. Instantaneous axes of rotation of the typical cervical motion segments: a study in normal volunteers. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). May 1991;6(2):111-117. |
24 |
22 |
2000 |
Bogduk N, Mercer S. Biomechanics of the cervical spine, I: normal kinematics. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). November 2000;15(9):633-648. |
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2001 |
Bogduk N, Yoganandan N. Biomechanics of the cervical spine, III: minor injuries. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). May 2001;16(4):267-275. |
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1996 |
Lord SM, Barnsley L, Wallis BJ, McDonald GJ, Bogduk N. Percutaneous radio-frequency neurotomy for chronic cervical zygapophyseal-joint pain. NEJM. December 5, 1996;335(23):1721-1726. |
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1994 |
Barnsley L, Lord S, Bogduk N. Whiplash injury. Pain. September 1994;58(3):283-307. |
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1988 |
Bogduk N, Marsland A. The cervical zygapophysial joints as a source of neck pain. Spine. June 1988;13(6):610-617. |
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1990 |
Dwyer A, Aprill C, Bogduk N. Cervical zygapophyseal joint pain patterns, I: a study in normal volunteers. Spine. June 1990;15(6):453-457. |
23 |
18 |
1990 |
Aprill C, Dwyer A, Bogduk N. Cervical zygapophyseal joint pain patterns, II: a clinical evaluation. Spine. June 1990;15(6):458-461. |
14 |
11 |
1992 |
Aprill C, Bogduk N. The prevalence of cervical zygapophyseal joint pain: a first approximation. Spine. July 1992;17(7):744-747. |
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1995 |
Barnsley L, Lord SM, Wallis BJ, Bogduk N. The prevalence of chronic cervical zygapophysial joint pain after whiplash. Spine. January 1995;20(1):20-25. |
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1996 |
Lord SM, Barnsley L, Wallis BJ, Bogduk N. Chronic cervical zygapophysial joint pain after whiplash: a placebo-controlled prevalence study. Spine. August 1996;21(15):1737-1744. |
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1999 |
Mercer S, Bogduk N. The ligaments and anulus fibrosus of human adult cervical intervertebral discs. Spine. 1999;24(7):619-626. |
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1992 |
Bogduk N, Macintosh JE, Pearcy MJ. A universal model of the lumbar back muscles in the upright position. Spine. August 1992;17(8):897-913. |
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2011 |
Curatolo M, Bogduk N, Ivancic PC, McLean SA, Siegmund GP, Winkelstein BA. The role of tissue damage in whiplash-associated disorders: discussion paper 1. Spine. December 2011;36(suppl 25S):S309-S315. |
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