For design calculations for vehicle components that could be struck by occupants in a car crash it is necessary to gain data on load acceptance capacities of human bodies. A research program is underway to correlate vulneration of thorax and lower extremities with impact force and energy.
Striking object for the lower extremities was a bumper shaped impact body, the struck arears were patella, head of tibia and midth of tibia. Impact velocity ranged from 5.5 (18) to 7.0 m/s (23 ft/s). First fractures of tibia and patella occurred with an impact force of about 250 kp (550 lb) and impact energy of about 14 mkp (100 lb ft).
In the same time tests are being carried out to get a better approach to the force-deflection characteristic of the thorax. Striking object was a cylindrical impact body with a diameter of 8,5 in, struck area was midth of sternum. First single rib fractures occurred at an impact force of about 250 kp (550 lb) whereby younger people showed no fractures at a load of 500 kp (1100 lb).
Beside quasi-static load tests with single ribs showed a variation of a fracture load of more than 50%.