Test procedures for evaluating the performances of a vehicle for occupant protection. during side impact have been applied in the United States since 1993, and are expected be applied in Europe beginning in 1996. In Japan, in the report of the Council for Transport Technology presented in 1992 on this subject, side impact occupant protection was adopted as a middle term study item and studies are in progress for ñnding an appropriate test procedure to be adopted in Japan.
This paper summaries the results ofa series of full-scale side impact tests using Japanese passenger vehicles according to the US and European side impact test procedures.
In addition to tests carried out in accordance with the conditions of FMVSS214 and ECE/R95, tests were implemented with the parameters such as crab angle, MDB height, seat position eta, were changed. The test vehicles were selected from Japanese~made 1994 models in a variety of body types, weights, etc. Dummy responses were measured in the tests, specifically, TTI and Pelvis G in the US procedure, and HPC, RDC, APF, PSPF, in the European procedure. intrusions of the vehicle side structure, changes in velocity, were recorded.
Analysis ofthe test results included dummy responses, vehicle responses, and intrusions of the vehicle under a variety of tests and test conditions. In addition, analyses were made for repeatability of the full-scale tests, and repeatability in the dummy itself. The advantage and disadvantage of the US and European side impact testing procedures were studied based on the results of these analyses.