This paper summarizes the compatibility research project conducted by JMLIT. Test procedures to assess vehicle compatibility were investigated based on a series of crash tests. In the IHRA (International Harmonized Research Activities) Compatibility Working Group, the full-width tests have been agreed upon for structural interaction evaluation of the Phase 1 approach. Thus, the JMLIT compatibility research project mainly focused on this test procedure.
Full-width rigid and deformable barrier tests were compared with respect to force distributions, vehicle deformation and dummy responses. In full-width deformable barrier tests, shear deformations are excited, and forces from structures can be clearly shown in barrier force distributions. The average height of force (AHOF) determined in full-width rigid and deformable barrier tests was similar. Basically, the full-width deformable barrier tests can be used as high acceleration tests. The dummy injury criteria were also similar between full-width rigid and deformable barrier tests, although for small cars the injury criteria can be inferior for full-width deformable barrier test due to sensor delay.
In order to investigate SEAS detection in the barrier force distributions, full-width tests were conducted for SUVs (sport utility vehicles) with and without SEAS. The reaction force of the SEAS could be detected in the full-width deformable barrier test. The VNT (vertical component of negative deviation from target row load) will be a useful criterion to evaluate the SEAS reaction force.
Car-to-car crash tests were conducted, and the compartment deformations of a small car in a crash into a medium car, MPV and SUV were compared. The structural interaction was poor in the SUV collision, and the passenger compartment of small car collapsed. Even structural interaction was good, a relatively large intrusion of the small car occurred in an MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) crash. Force matching and compartment strength will be significant for the next phase of compatibility improvement.