The work of this International Harmonised Research Activity (IHRA) group has continued to focus on compatibility research with the prime aim of improving occupant protection in cars by developing internationally agreed test procedures designed to improve the compatibility of structures in front to front, and front to side, impact.
Compatibility is a complex issue but offers an important step towards the better protection of car occupants. To date the group has focussed on frontal performance tests although benefits need not be confined to frontal impact. Group members continue to work actively in research programmes to enhance understanding and develop potential test procedures to assess compatibility.
A number of potential test procedures remain open in the longer term. But, in recent meetings, effort has concentrated on defining key aspects and assessment criteria for a potential phase 1 test as a first step to improve vehicle compatibility. There is a significant degree of common thinking and purpose and, although issues and challenges remain, a phase 1 step should be possible.