Elastic-viscoelastic correspondence was used to generate displacement–time solutions for spherical indentation testing of soft biological materials with time-dependent mechanical behavior. Boltzmann hereditary integral operators were used to determine solutions for indentation load-relaxation following a constant displacement rate ramp. A “ramp correction factor” approach was used for routine analysis of experimental load-relaxation data. Experimental load-relaxation tests were performed on rubber, as well as kidney tissue and costal cartilage, two hydrated soft biological tissues with vastly different mechanical responses. The experimental data were fit to the spherical indentation ramp-relaxation solutions to obtain values of short- and long-time shear modulus and of material time constants. The method is used to demonstrate linearly viscoelastic responses in rubber, level-independent indentation results for costal cartilage, and age-independent indentation results for kidney parenchymal tissue.