The agency released the final rule for Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 214 “Side Impact Protection” in September 2007, which put in place upgrades that involve moving deformable barrier (MDB)-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-pole crash tests with a 50th percentile adult male, the EuroSID 2re (ES-2re) and a 5th percentile adult female, the SID-IIs dummy. Recently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) began evaluating the 50th percentile male WorldSID in these types of crashes using the same fleet vehicles. This paper includes an evaluation of the dummy’s durability in crash testing and gives a comparison of the test results with those of the ES-2re dummy. The two dummies have different anthropometries and seating procedures which affect the final results. In general, the WorldSID produced more elevated responses than the ES-2re dummy for both test modes.