The research reported in this paper is a follow-on to a five year research program conducted by General Motors in accordance with an administrative Settlement Agreement reached with the US Department of Transportation. In a subsequent Judicial Settlement, GM agreed fund more than $4.1 million in fire-related research over the period 2001- 2004. The purpose of this paper is to provide a public update report on the projects that have been funded under this latter research program, along with results to date. This paper is the fourth in a series of technical papers intended to disseminate the results of the ongoing research.
The projects and research results to be reported in this paper include the following:
The paper briefly summarizes the projects and reports the significant findings from each.
This paper documents six current research programs on fire safety technology. These programs involve analysis of field data, testing, and alternative fuel systems. This paper also provides a brief synthesis of data and research conducted under a previous GM/DOT research program.