In this paper accidents with mopeds and mofas in the Netherlands are analysed. The moped and mofa accidents were collected from 1999-2001 in the police regions Rotterdam-Rijnmond and The Hague in the Netherlands. This took part in the framework of a European Motorcycle in-depth study (MAIDS), funded by ACEM (the representing body of European motorcycle manufacturers) and the EU. For MAIDS, five European countries collected in total 1000 motorcycle and moped/mofa accidents, as well as a control group of another 1000 motorcycles and mopeds/mofas.
For this study a total of 113 moped and 21 mofa accidents (all Dutch), of which the rider was injured, were analysed. Standard statistical analysis techniques including regression techniques were used to find the over and under represented factors in technical aspects and human factors with respect to the control group. Also specific items like motor power enhancement, no drivers license requirements, young un-experienced riders and the specific status of mopeds in traffic may lead to more accidents than necessary.
Accident and injury causation and differences in occurrences are outlined. Important factors in moped and mofa accidents are discussed in detail. Recommendations are given for primary and secondary safety enhancements.