Side crashes occur relatively often and the injury risk in a side crash is higher than in a frontal crash due to the small distance between the occupant and the impacting object. For the same reason, little time is available for optimal deployment of collision mitigation measures using in-crash detection technology. This was identified as an area for further research in the EU funded project APROSYS, which aims to increase the safety of road users. In Sub Project 6 "Intelligent Safety Systems" a novel pre-crash side protection system is being developed and verified integrating both active and passive safety. Environmental pre-crash sensors define the actuators states to mitigate the consequences of the crash. Stereo video and short-range radar were selected for the sensing system. The actuator system, developed to minimize door intrusion and intrusion velocity, uses shape-memory-alloys, is reversible and can be activated almost as fast as pyrotechnical devices. Prototypes for both the sensing and actuator systems have already been built and are currently being evaluated, showing the potential of the combination of these advanced technologies in an integrated side impact protection system.
side impacts, integrated safety, sensors, actuators, APROSYS