In comparison to the widespread advancement of safety-enhancing technologies for passenger vehicles, there has been only limited development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for motorcycles. Considering the international over-representation of motorcyclists in crash statistics, in particular, the high incidence of loss of control crashes and multiplevehicle crashes and the critical issue of motorcycle conspicuity, it would appear that the development of ITS for motorcycles should be given greater priority. The current review aimed to investigate the extent to which ITS have been applied to motorcycles (including both existing and emerging technologies) and discuss these ITS according to their likely safety benefits to motorcycle safety. A literature review and expert consultations confirmed that very few motorcycle-specific ITS currently exist, with advanced braking systems a notable exception, although a number of prototype systems have been developed. The potential to adapt emerging and existing ITS for other vehicles to motorcycles is also highlighted. Technologies that were seen to enhance the stability and braking power of motorcycles have been regarded with highest priority as these are most likely to be relevant to almost all motorcycle crash types, particularly loss of control crashes. Future motorcycle ITS developments must be safety-driven, but also consider issues such as acceptability. Evaluative studies of existing and emerging systems are a critical next step.