This thesis summarizes an investigation of the application of Multiple Simultaneous Specification (MSS) control to brushless D.C. (BLDC) motor and high-speed linear positioning system. Simulation and experimental results illustrate the effect of MSS control on system behavior.
First, the dynamic models of BLDC motor and linear positioning system are developed. Second, the dynamic models are then verified by performing simulation and experiments of open-loop and closed-loop control. By comparing the simulation and the experimental results, nonlinearity of BLDC motor is observed and discussed. Finally, the deficiency of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller is discussed. The major shortcoming of PID controller is the need to tune the PID gains to satisfy desired performance specifications. In fact, if multiple performance specifications are considered simultaneously, tuning PID gains become very tedious and time consuming. A systematic way for finding the controller gains to satisfy the desired performance specifications simultaneously is needed. Therefore, MSS control method, developed by Dr. Hugh Liu and Prof. J. K. Mills, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, is applied to the BLDC motor and the linear positioning system control.
By conducting experiments, MSS control method is proven to be effective on controlling BLDC motor and linear positioning system to satisfy several desired performance specifications simultaneously. Thus, the need to tune controller gains is eliminated.