2016 |
Loh D. Integrated Sensing from Multiple Wearable Devices for Activity Recognition and Dead Reckoning [Master's thesis]. Simon Fraser University; Spring 2016. |
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2014 |
Ulutas B. Distributed H∞ Control of Segmented Telescope Mirrors [PhD thesis]. University of Victoria; 2014. |
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2012 |
Karakoc K. Modeling and Design Optimization of Electromechanical Brake Actuator Using Eddy Currents [PhD thesis]. University of Victoria; 2012. |
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2011 |
Ko J. Fuzzy Pwm-Pid Control and Shape Memory Alloy Actuator for Cocontracting Antagonistic Muscle Pairs in an Artificial Finger [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2011. |
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2010 |
Kerley D. Distributed Control of a Segmented Telescope Mirror [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2010. |
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2010 |
Chung J. Development of a Cell Cross Flow System [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2010. |
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2010 |
Birch BJ. Development and Testing of a Hand Rehabilitation Device for Continuous Passive Motion and Active Resistance [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2010. |
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2009 |
Stegman KJ. Towards Detection of User-Intended Tendon Motion With Pulsed-Wave Doppler Ultrasound for Assistive Hand Exoskeleton Applications [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2009. |
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2009 |
Bundhoo V. Design and Evaluation of a Shape Memory Alloy-Based Tendon-Driven Actuation System for Biomimetic Artificial Fingers [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2009. |
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2007 |
Sakaki KDR. Development of a Five Degree-of-Freedom Robot for the Manipulation of Biological Cells [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2007. |
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2007 |
Karakoc K. Design of a Magnetorheological Brake System Based on Magnetic Circuit Optimization [Master's thesis]. University of Toronto; 2007. |
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2007 |
Gurses K. Dynamic Modeling and Vibration Control of a Single-Link Flexible Manipulator Using a Combined Linear and Angular Velocity Feedback Controller. [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2007. |
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2005 |
Torres Cruz DJ. Design of an Innovative Car Braking System Using Eddy Currents [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2005. |
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2004 |
Falcão da Luz L. Design of a Magnetorheological Brake System [Master's thesis]. University of Victoria; 2004. |
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2003 |
Goodvin CI. Development of a Real-Time Spinal Motion Inertial Measurement System for Vestibular Disorder Application [Master's thesis]. University of Toronto; 2003. |
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2019 |
Jaworski D. Detection of Sleep and Wake States Based on the Combined Use of Actigraphy and Ballistocardiography [Master's thesis]. Simon Fraser University; 2019. |
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2018 |
Musngi MMM. Fall Detection Algorithms Using Accelerometers, Gyroscopes and a Barometric Pressure Sensor [Master's thesis]. Simon Fraser University; Spring 2018. |
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2018 |
Bourgeois SP. 7-Degree-of-Freedom Hybrid-Manipulator Exoskeleton for Lower-Limb Motion Capture [Master's thesis]. Simon Fraser University; Spring 2018. |
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2017 |
Zihajehzadeh S. Wearable Sensor System for Human Localization and Motion Capture [PhD thesis]. Simon Fraser University; Spring 2017. |
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2017 |
Esmaeilsabzali H. Development of a Microfluidic Platform for Size-Based Enrichment and Immunomagnetic Isolation of Circulating Tumour Cells [PhD thesis]. Simon Fraser University; Summer 2017. |
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2016 |
Khakshour S. Mechanical Modeling and Characterization of Cancer Cells Using Optical Tweezers [PhD thesis]. Simon Fraser University; Summer 2016. |
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2015 |
Yoon PK. Robust Human Motion Tracking Using Wireless and Inertial Sensors [Master's thesis]. Simon Fraser University; F 2015. |
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2015 |
Lee TJ. Feature Extraction and Classification of Skiing/snowboarding Jumps With an Integrated Headmounted Sensor [Master's thesis]. Simon Fraser University; Summer 2015. |
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2012 |
Sakaki KDR. Robotic Single Cell Electroporation [PhD thesis]. Simon Fraser University; F 2012. |
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