Tangential force (Ft) coordination has received little explicit attention in the human prehension literature. Ft are those forces exerted parallel to the surface of a grasped object, and are often the functional forces (e.g. holding a glass of water). Because they are necessary for mechanical equilibrium, and because of their under-study, this dissertation explores Ft in multiple experimental and computational settings. Adopted methods were similar to those used in other prehension studies, but unique experimental manipulations allowed for a 'fishing expedition' approach to the problem of understanding Ft coordination. Six experiments were conducted that examined factors relevant to Ft coordination including: (1) Viscoelastic relaxation of the finger pad subjected to Ft load, (2) Interaction among fingers during maximal multi-finger Ft efforts, (3) Ft performance during a pressing task, (4) The response of Ft to variations in external load magnitude and direction during multi-finger grasping, (5) Mechanically optimal finger forces for non-vertically oriented grasped objects, and (6) Finger pad strain energy minimization as a control scheme for intra-finger normal-tangential force coordination. The results are somewhat disparate in their immediate implications, but are all necessary facts to consider when formalizing hypotheses regarding Ft control. The following hypotheses were developed: (1) Minimization of effort drives inter-finger force coordination, and (2) Minimization of strain energy in the contact region of the finger pad drives intra-finger coordination. These hypotheses are intuitive, have a physiological basis, and are supported by the current data. In summary, this dissertation achieves the following: (a) Initiates the process of explicit Ft behavioral documentation, (b) Analyzes various factors relevant to Ft behavior, and (c) Develops lines of research for future prehension study.