Abstract Klapskate hinge location is known to affect speed skating performance. An optimal hinge location resulting in maximal performance exists; however, this location is not the same for all athletes, it is subject specific. Literature has suggested some individual characteristics of an athlete that may influence this optimal hinge location but only one study has attempted to address this idea. They found that the ratio of knee to ankle strength may influence the optimal hinge location; though, which individual characteristics most influence the optimal hinge location is still unknown.
A forward simulation model specific to one subject was developed. The five segment model was able to represent the speed skating push-off, respond to a change in the hinge position, and predict a theoretically optimal hinge location. By changing the input parameters of the model, the influence on the optimal hinge location could be ascertained. These parameters represented subject specific segment properties: mass, moment of inertia, and segment length; initial technique: joint angles and angular velocities; muscular properties: isometric strength, torque angle, and torque angular velocity relationships; as well as neuromuscular coordination and fatigue.
The characteristics that were found to be most influential on the optimal hinge location were ankle plantar flexion strength, amount of torque generated at the knee joint, and the knee angle at the beginning of the push-off. Increasing knee flexion at the beginning of the push-off, increasing the tipping angle at the beginning of the push-off, and increasing the ankle strength were the three changeable characteristics that increased push-off performance the most.
The forward simulation model also was able to evlauate non-traditional klap mechanisms. Two prototype designs, a raised hinge and a four-bar mechanisms, were modelered and the simulated perforance matched experimental outomes. A hinge location that is 126.1mm higher than the current height of the traditional klap hinger could theoretically improve performance by 3.57%.
It was also found that speed skating technique uses sub-maximal recruitment of the hip and knee extensors. This work suggests that more posterior klap hinger locations should be available for athletes and future simulation models should consider the influence of two joint muscles.