Stress analysis of contact models for isotropic articular cartilage under impacting loads shows high shear stresses at the interface with the subchondral bone and normal compressive stresses near the surface of the cartilage. These stress distributions are not consistent, with lesions observed on the cartilage surface of rabbit patellae from blunt impact, for example, to the patello-femoral joint. The purpose of the present study was to analyze, using the elastic capabilities of a finite element code, the stress distribution in more morphologically realistic transversely isotropic biphasic contact models of cartilage. The elastic properties of an incompressible material, equivalent to those of the transversely isotropic biphasic material at time zero, were derived algebraically using stress-strain relations. Results of the stress analysis showed the highest shear stresses on the surface of the solid skeleton of the cartilage and tensile stresses in the zone of contact. These results can help explain the mechanisms responsible for surface injuries observed during blunt insult experiments.