2020 |
Morse A, Ko FC, McDonald MM, Lee LR, Schindeler A, van der Meulen MCH, Little DG. Increased anabolic bone response in Dkk1 KO mice following tibial compressive loading. Bone. February 2020;131:115054. |
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2022 |
Chai RC, McDonald MM. Visualisation of tumour cells in bone in vivo at single-cell resolution. Bone. May 2022;158:116113. |
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2020 |
Morse A, McDonald MM, Mikulec K, Schindeler A, Munns CF, Little DG. Pretreatment with pamidronate decreases bone formation but increases callus bone volume in a rat closed fracture model. Calcif Tiss Int. February 2020;106(2):172-179. |
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2023 |
Simic MK, Mohanty ST, Xiao Y, Cheng TL, Taylor VE, Charlat O, Croucher PI, McDonald MM. Multi-targeting DKK1 and LRP6 prevents bone loss and improves fracture resistance in multiple myeloma. J Bone Miner Res. June 2023;38(6):814-828. |
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2008 |
Schindeler A, McDonald MM, Bokko P, Little DG. Bone remodeling during fracture repair: the cellular picture. Semin Cell Dev Biol. October 2008;19(5):459-466. |
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