2003 |
Elliott DM, Robinson PS, Gimbel JA, Sarver JJ, Abboud JA, Iozzo RV, Soslowsky LJ. Effect of altered matrix proteins on quasilinear viscoelastic properties in transgenic mouse tail tendons. Ann Biomed Eng. May 2003;31(5):599-605. |
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2004 |
Yin L, Elliott DM. A biphasic and transversely isotropic mechanical model for tendon: application to mouse tail fascicles in uniaxial tension. J Biomech. June 2004;37(6):907-916. |
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2006 |
Guerin HAL, Elliott DM. Degeneration affects the fiber reorientation of human annulus fibrosus under tensile load. J Biomech. 2006;39(8):1410-1418. |
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2010 |
Lake SP, Miller KS, Elliott DM, Soslowsky LJ. Tensile properties and fiber alignment of human supraspinatus tendon in the transverse direction demonstrate inhomogeneity, nonlinearity, and regional isotropy. J Biomech. March 3, 2010;43(4):727-732. |
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2000 |
Elliott DM, Setton LA. A linear material model for fiber-induced anisotropy of the anulus fibrosus. J Biomech Eng. April 2000;122(2):173-179. |
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2001 |
Elliott DM, Setton LA. Anisotropic and inhomogeneous tensile behavior of the human anulus fibrosus: experimental measurement and material model predictions. J Biomech Eng. June 2001;123(3):256-263. |
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2002 |
Elliott DM, Narmoneva DA, Setton LA. Direct measurement of the Poisson’s ratio of human patella cartilage in tension. J Biomech Eng. April 2002;124(2):223-228. |
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2003 |
Lynch HA, Johannessen W, Wu JP, Jawa A, Elliott DM. Effect of fiber orientation and strain rate on the nonlinear uniaxial tensile material properties of tendon. J Biomech Eng. October 2003;125(5):726-731. |
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1999 |
Elliott DM, Guilak F, Vail TP, Wang JY, Setton LA. Tensile properties of articular cartilage are altered by meniscectomy in a canine model of osteoarthritis. J Orthop Res. July 1999;17(4):503-508. |
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2007 |
Nerurkar NL, Elliott DM, Mauck RL. Mechanics of oriented electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds for annulus fibrosus tissue engineering. J Orthop Res. August 2007;25(8):1018-1028. |
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2009 |
Lake SP, Miller KS, Elliott DM, Soslowsky LJ. Effect of fiber distribution and realignment on the nonlinear and inhomogeneous mechanical properties of human supraspinatus tendon under longitudinal tensile loading. J Orthop Res. December 2009;27(12):1596-1602. |
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2004 |
Elliott DM, Sarver JJ. Young investigator award winner: validation of the mouse and rat disc as mechanical models of the human lumbar disc. Spine. April 1, 2004;29(7):713-722. |
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2005 |
Johannessen W, Elliott DM. Effects of degeneration on the biphasic material properties of human nucleus pulposus in confined compression. Spine. December 15, 2005;30(24):E724-E729. |
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