2015 |
Grzebieta R, Rechnitzer G, Simmons K, Hicks D, Patton D, Mongiardini M, McIntosh A, Sherry D, Dal Nevo R. The Australian Terrain Vehicle Assessment Program (ATVAP). In: Proceedings of the 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). June 8-11, 2015; Gothenburg, Sweden. |
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2020 |
Patton DA, Huber CM, Arbogast KB. Head impact sensor attachment and data transformation in a youth female soccer heading drill. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. 2020; Munich, Germany.870-871. |
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2022 |
Huber CM, Patton DA, Maheshwari J, Zhou Z, Kleiven S, Arbogast KB. Finite element simulations of a concussion case in high school soccer. In: Proceedings of the 2022 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. September 14-16, 2022; Porto, Portugal.616-617. |
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2024 |
Arbogast KB, Gabler LF, Patton DA, Reynier KA, Miles A, Bailey A, Mayer T, Sills A, Crandall JR. Kinematics of facemask impacts in professional American football. In: Proceedings of the 2024 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. September 11-13, 2024; Stockholm, Sweden.17-24. |
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2024 |
Huber CM, Patton DA, Arbogast KB, Kraft RH. Brain tissue strain during adolescent soccer heading using the cloud-based brain simulation research platform finite element head model. In: Proceedings of the 2024 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury. September 11-13, 2024; Stockholm, Sweden.375-3. |
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2022 |
Huber CM, Patton DA, Rownd KR, Master CL, Arbogast KB. Head kinematics and physiological effects of repeated soccer heading. In: Proceedings of the 17th Ohio State University Injury Biomechanics Symposium. May 23-24, 2022; Columbus, OH. |
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2008 |
Patton D, McIntosh A. Head and neck injury risks in heavy metal: head bangers stuck between rock and a hard bass. BMJ. 2008;337:a2825. |
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2013 |
Patton DA, McIntosh AS, Kleiven S. The biomechanical determinants of concussion: finite element simulations to investigate brain tissue deformations during sporting impacts to the unprotected head. J Appl Biomech. December 2013;29(6):721-730. |
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2012 |
Patton DA, McIntosh AS, Kleiven S, Fréchède B. Injury data from unhelmeted football head impacts evaluated against critical strain tolerance curves. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part P-J Sports Eng Tech. September–December 2012;226(3-4):177-184. |
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