On January 1,1976 a law became effective in Switzerland requiring passenger car occupants to be secured by safety belts.At the same time the Swiss Sovernment initiated a one year study on car accidents involving persons who were belted and sustained severe or fatal injuries. 304 accidents with 153 killed and 257 severely injured (OAIS = 2-6) occupants were analysed during this study. Data collection and analysis are based on police reports,hospital docurrentation, photographs and in part on scene investigations,photogramnetric methods and technical examination of the belts.
Frontal crashes with an impact direction of 12 o'clock are the most traumatic ones for belt wearers.Nearly the same traumatisation arises from oblique collisions with 1,2,10 and 11 o'clock impact direction. The latter are analysed in terms of seating position,injury pattern and severity. The same relations are shown also for the 3 and 9 o'clock side impacts.
This paper has to be viewed in connection with other papers published by the same authors.